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At i-BioNANO Ltd we gather a wide range of diverse scientists, engineers, and professionals with years of experience in bio-nano-fabrication and bio-nano-characterization techniques, eco-nanomaterials engineering, and bionanotechnology commercialization with applications in a wide range of markets. We work in diverse backgrounds such as; cleantech, agriculture, advanced manufacturing, biotech & food, nanomaterials, carbon & cellulose composites, eco-materials, nanocoatings, sustainable textiles and high-tech solutions. at i-BioNANO we have extensive networks across a wide range of industries all around the world and first-hand experience scaling up technologies from the lab to successful multi-million-dollar valued start-ups invested by top global firms.

About Us

i-BioNANO believes that many global issues can be mitigated through the wise use of new emerging technologies and smart materials with applications in bio nano-medicine, sustainable agriculture, green energy, eco-packaging, bio-sensors, environmental remediation, and many other future markets. Through i-BioNANO networks, faster progress can be achieved through early-stage market validation, international business strategy insights, product development feedback, and investment due to diligence support; by liaising directly with researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, businessmen, industry leaders, government agencies, and technology innovation hubs around the world. Some of the global networks activity involved with i-nano business partners are;


  • Leadership diasporas and entrepreneurship global networks.

  • International not-for-profit organizations (NGOs).

  • APEC chapters and diplomatic networks.

  • International Big Science projects networks. 

  • International Chambers of Commerce.

  • Regional and business networks.

  • Antartic Research Programmes.

  • National and regional nano regulations committees monitoring.

  • Nanotechnology International initiatives, incubators, and innovation hubs.

  • Manufacturing associations through local country partners.

  • Investing committees on emerging technologies (Start-up funds).

  • Angel investment networks and funding grants partners.


      And many others…​


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Dr. Pablo Lepe, CEO

Think NANO !

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